Blog: Design
Why Can't We Get Along? Security and User Experience
An exploration of security and user experience. - "Typically implemented security is about presenting barriers to a user while typically implemented user experience design is about removing barriers to a user."
The Box Project
An exercise in hand-coding and design. - "We were to create a website based on a box. I decided to use the box for my 'gaming' motherboard because I thought it would present the opportunity to experiment with different design."
Typography Experiments - Jaden Smith
A "unique" experiment with typography - "The quote selected for this assignment is a (now infamous) tweet by Jaden Smith. I decided to go with a more humorous example for this round."
Typography Experiments - Lovecraft
A Lovecraftian experiment with typography - "The subject of this page was a serious quote by H.P. Lovecraft; an author who influenced a large amount of my favorite horror-based shows and books."